Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO)

Sibo treatment

Learn all you need to know about bacterial overgrowth in the gut!

Small intestinal bowel overgrowth (SIBO) is when bacteria normally present in the large intestine migrate and set up shop in the small intestine.

The overgrowth can be pathogenic bacteria or fungi, as well as healthy bacteria that are just in the wrong place or out of balance with other bacteria normally present in the gut.

It is characterized mostly by bloating, gas, and stomach discomfort.

Symptoms may also include constipation and/or diarrhea, mood imbalances, skin manifestations and more.

SIBO support includes the following natural strategies:

  1. Ridding the overgrowth with herbal and/or pharmaceutical approaches
  2. Calming inflammation
  3. Restoring Motility to the gut
  4. Enhancing digestion
  5. Removing sensitive/allergic foods
  6. Adding back beneficial flora
  7. Maintaining beneficial flora with prebiotics (supplementary and dietary)

It is difficult to capture all of the subtleties of SIBO identification, treatment, and prevention of remission.

These articles will provide insights across the spectrum of topics related to SIBO.


SIBO Symptoms and Testing

How do I Know if I have SIBO?

SIBO and Leaky Gut: Understanding Leaky Gut, Autoimmunity and Beyond

Low Stomach Acid as a Precursor: The Domino Effect of Stomach Acid on Digestion the Gut Microbiome

  • Sufficient stomach acid is a primary means of protection of the gut and body from the outside world full of pathogens and potentially immune-active proteins.
  • It also helps control pH balance throughout the digestive tract – alterations in gastric secretions and pH can promote dysbiosis, SIBO, and opportunistic infection.

SIBO and Candida Overgrowth:

Natural Support for Candida Fungal Infections

  • Candida overgrowth is present with SIBO as much as 2/3rds of the time!

Why is My Candida Protocol Not Working? (Part 1)

SIBO and Oral Microbiome:

How to Improve the Balance of Friendly Microbes in the Mouth and Why a Healthy Oral Microbiome is Essential for Gut Health, Inflammation, and Whole Body Wellness

  • You swallow up to a billion bacteria and fungi with each milliliter of saliva.
  • The mouth has more types of bacteria than the gut – meaning the gut is more sensitive to influences from the wrong bacteria.
  • If the bacteria in your mouth is out of balance, bacteria from your mouth can seed the gut microbiome and contribute to overgrowth and recurrent dysbiosis
  • Maintaining oral health can be a key missing link to a successful gut rebalancing protocol.
  • Independent from the effects on the gut, oral bacteria can create inflammation and endotoxemia due to direct interaction of bacteria with the blood supply to the gum.

SIBO Diet Protocol

Elemental Diet: Elemental Diet – What is it? How Does it Work? When is it Used? What to Expect During and After (elemental diet powders not available directly on the shop, but available by request – contact us for more information)

Intermittent Fasting:Why Fasting for 12+ Hours May Help You Lose Weight, Prevent Disease, and Help You Live Longer

  • While not mentioned directly in the article, fasting promotes & maintains gut motility while allowing your gut to fully digest the day’s food and activating something called the migrating motor complex (MMC). The MMC is your body’s way of tidying up your small intestine after a day’s worth of food!

Low FODMAP Diet:Full Details on the Low-FODMAP diet for IBS, SIBO, Crohn’s, Colitis, and More

SIBO and Probiotics and Prebiotics:


SIBO and Mood:

SIBO and Motility:

  • Using a pro-kinetic or motility support like MotilProor MegaGuard, an essential component of SIBO treatment. Slow transit through the GI tract invites overgrowth of gut bacteria as well as recurrence of symptoms after successful treatment.

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