The Importance of Supplementing Vitamins and Minerals While on Birth Control Pills

oral contraceptives

Considering many women begin taking oral contraceptives in early adolescence and continue their usage for many years, it is important to look at the possible nutritional effects of oral contraceptives on a woman’s body especially when it comes to the depletion of vital nutrients.

The World Health Organization (WHO) points out the influence of nutrient depletion caused by being on oral contraceptives is a great cause for concern and should be of high clinical relevance.

Oral contraceptives may affect levels of folate, vitamins B1B2, B6, B12, vitamin C, and E, and the minerals magnesium, selenium, and zinc. They also can decrease levels of the antioxidant CoQ10 and the amino acid Tyrosine. I mention my preferred supplements throughout the article.

The B vitamins and CoQ10 can be especially important in some individuals with certain genetic traits that may increase the need for these vitamins.

For instance, someone who carries certain copies of genes coding for MTHFR – an enzyme that “activates” folic acid in the body, may benefit by supplementing with a specific form of folate as opposed to what you may find in other supplements and even in prescription levels of folic acid.

Vitamins play a key role in the function of the body. Vitamins support the immune system, and the nervous system, convert nutrients into energy, contribute to the growth and help process carbohydrates, proteins, and fat.

Vitamins also serve as helpers when it comes to the natural processes of detoxification, and as protectors when it comes to the stress on your metabolism that drugs can initiate. So if a certain class of drugs is known to deplete them, I take notice.

Vitamin deficiencies can present a multitude of negative effects on the body. Minerals are essential nutrients that the body needs to survive and carry out daily functions and processes. Minerals keep you healthy and have key roles in several body functions. Interestingly, the symptoms of nutrient depletion often mirror the side effects of the drugs that deplete them.

There is a reason that your doctor may recommend that you take 3-6 months of prenatal supplements following the discontinuation of oral contraceptives before trying to conceive.

I personally like Prenatal Complete by Orthomolecular Products.

There are reasons why it can take numerous months for your menstrual cycle to come back to normal after you discontinue birth control. It is because you need time for your body to restore its nutritional reserves and for your hormones to function again normally on their own.

While there are many reasons to take or not to take oral contraceptives, I wish that all women at least were aware of the potential depletion of key nutrients, so that they may correct deficiency when present through diet or supplements.

Best Vitamins to Take While on Birth Control

Folic Acid Deficiency:

The most common effects caused by folate deficiency result in neural tube defects in developing embryos, anemia, and peripheral neuropathy.  Furthermore, a typical consequence of folate deficiency is implicated as one of the causes of cardiovascular disease.

Carriers of certain genetic markers, as determined by a profile such as, may be at higher risk for folic acid deficiency – and possibly higher susceptibility to some of these health problems and complications. There are a lot of subtleties to the interactions of folate, B12, and their role in the methylation cycle of the body.

But for this article’s purpose, just know that oral contraceptives can complicate genetic susceptibilities to methylation cycle defects even further.

Vitamin B1 Deficiency:

B1 or thiamin is involved in nervous and muscle system function as well as digestion and metabolism. Severe deficiency can lead to complications involving the brain and nervous system, as well as the muscular and cardiovascular system (your heart is a muscle after all).

A severe B1 deficiency can be triggered by chronic alcoholism – possibly contributing to an acute disorder known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Wernicke-Korsakoff can manifest with vision changes, balance problems, and memory problems in addition to the textbook Korsakoff psychosis and Wernicke’s Encephalopathy.

While some of these complications can be rare. If a woman has a history of alcoholism and is taking birth control or other medications that may also deplete B1, it’s not hard to see why she may experience some memory impairment and other complications even on sub-clinical levels (not enough to be diagnosed, but enough to influence day-to-day life!).

Vitamin B2 Deficiency:

Deficiency and sub-optimal levels of vitamin B2 (which occur in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and chronic alcoholism) lead to a variety of clinical abnormalities that include degenerative changes in the nervous system, endocrine dysfunction, skin disorders and anemia. A deficiency in B2 may also be involved in migraine headaches.

Vitamin B6 Deficiency:

Vitamin B6 is an important cofactor for many enzymatic reactions in the body – including hormone metabolism. B6 deficiency can be related to low energy, mood disruptions, confusion, skin disorders, high homocysteine levels, and inflammation of the tongue and mouth. Supplementation with B6 may be useful for supporting symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, fibromyalgia, and even carpal tunnel syndrome.

My go-to source for B vitamins is Opti-Absorb B-Complex by Doctor Alex Supplements.

Vitamin C Deficiency:

Vitamin C is one of the best-known antioxidants and has been long used to support the immune system as well as cardiovascular and musculoskeletal health.

Someone deficient in vitamin C may bruise more easily, and heal more slowly. You may remember reading about scurvy and Vitamin C, but it is actually very rare. Scurvy is a condition characterized by inflammation of the mouth and gums. Taking birth control is not likely to turn you into a limey – the word they used for ship passengers who would prevent scurvy by eating and sucking on limes which were providing them Vitamin C.

You may be familiar with the work of Linus Pauling who linked low-level vitamin C deficiency to a wide variety of health problems – most notably atherosclerosis and heart disease. Yet, day-to-day Vitamin C helps promote collagen formation, tissue healing, bone health, and much more.

Vitamin C is the original gangster when it comes to vitamin supplementation – and has stuck around for good reason!

I like Vitamin C 1000mg with Rosehips by Nature’s Way or Liposomal Vitamin C by Dr. Mercola (Liquid).

Vitamin E Deficiency:

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that is important in protecting our cell membranes from oxidative stress. There are various forms of vitamin E, such as alpha, beta, and gamma-tocopherol, as well as groups of tocotrienols. Vitamin E is commonly used in support of heart disease, and even cancer. Vitamin E also promotes brain and eye health. A deficiency of vitamin E can contribute to muscle weakness, low muscle mass, as well as problems with vision and gait.

Vitamin E is actually a complex of at least 8 different compounds or tocopherols, often referred to as “isomers”.

For years, the source of vitamin E in supplements has been predominantly D-alpha-tocopherol, or, better products may contain mixed tocopherols. Tocotrienols offer similar properties and exclusive antioxidant benefits.  It turns out alpha-tocopherol may not be a great source, and even harmful at least in subsets of people that can be difficult to determine if you’re in a risk group or not.

Mixed tocopherols or tocotrienols are preferred to cover your bases and get the best of the most current industry sentiment. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant protector of all fat-containing areas of the body (….like every cell membrane in the body and the brain!).

When studies question the role of multivitamins (in some instances they seemed to cause more harm than good), one of the determining factors of mixed research results may be due to the common inclusion of alpha-tocopherol as the source of vitamin E.

Now, individuals are supplementing with mixed tocotrienols as preferred sources of vitamin E without potential issues with tocopherol products.

I use Tocamin SupraBio by Allergy Research Group for a source of mixed tocotrienols.

Selenium Deficiency:

Since selenium is an important antioxidant nutrient, deficiency can increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Several studies indicate that oral contraceptives interfere with selenium absorption.  Selenium plays a role in the functioning of the thyroid gland and in every cell that uses thyroid hormone. It has been shown that selenium supplementation may be beneficial in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Selenium plays a role in various detoxification enzymes as well that may be important in the clearance of toxic metals and chemicals from the body.

I’ll use Reacted Selenium by Ortho Molecular Products.

Magnesium and Birth Control Pills:

Inadequate magnesium intake frequently causes muscle spasms and has been associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, migraines, osteoporosis, and strokes.

Although deficiency of magnesium may be attributed to decreased dietary consumption and the use of diuretics, it has repeatedly been shown that magnesium levels can also be greatly reduced by oral contraceptives.

Does magnesium affect birth control pills?

The relationship is more of the opposite – birth control pills deplete the body of magnesium, increasing needs, and extra magnesium would not have a negative interaction with the hormonal effect of birth control pills – it would work more to sustain levels despite possible depletion by oral contraceptive pills.

When I supplement, I use Opti-Absorb Triple Magnesium by Doctor Alex Supplements for a well-absorbed form that is unlikely to trigger loose stools. The glycine residue in this “glycinate” form supports natural relaxation and detoxification in the body. The Linus Pauling Institute recommends at least 350mg of magnesium intake a day. 3 capsules of Magnesium glycinate above yield 360mg of support.

Zinc Deficiency:

Low zinc levels have a number of undesired effects. Zinc is involved in many forms of tissue healing – it’s necessary to repair muscles, mucosal linings, and more. It has also been called the “Gatekeeper of Immunity” meaning adequate zinc levels are necessary to jumpstart just about every immune process in the body efficiently and accurately. It’s important for brain function and the general growth and development of the body.

Does Zinc Affect Birth Control Pills?

While already low in many Americans, the use of oral contraceptives can draw zinc levels lower.

While zinc can support reproductive health in men and women, its intake would not override the hormonal effect of birth control pills.

I use Zinc Copper Balance by Doctor Alex Supplements. When taken alone, zinc will deplete the body of copper. Zinc copper balance maintains a normal balance of zinc and copper in the body so that you do not create another problem while solving another. It also contains a small number of other micronutrients to further assist absorption and utilzation in the body.

Coenzyme Q10:

Coenzyme Q10 or Ubiquinol/Ubiquinone is a fat-soluble antioxidant enzyme that plays an important rule in energy creation in the cell. Coq10 promotes heart health by protecting the body from oxidative stress. A deficiency of CoQ10 can be related to migraine headaches, muscle soreness, as well as cardiovascular symptoms. A woman taking both a statin drug as well as an oral contraceptive may be at even greater risk of CoQ10 deficiency.

Look for doses ranging from 100mg to 300mg. Some supplementation is better than none, yet higher intakes are preferred given the many modern stressors that work to deplete CoQ10 levels in the body. Take with food for optimal absorption.

I like Coenzyme Q10 300mg for the best balance of potency and no unwanted fillers. It can be mixed and matched to support higher dose protocols. Take directly after a meal for best absorption.


Tyrosine is involved in the production of neurotransmitters such as melatonin, dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and epinephrine (adrenaline). Because of its wide-reaching effects on hormone metabolism, tyrosine depletion can contribute to an altered mood as well as food cravings. Clinical trials have suggested that anywhere from 16-56% of women taking oral contraceptives will experience depression!

Women on birth control who feel zombie-like, moody, depressed, or broadly, “just not me”, when taking birth control, may benefit from tyrosine supplementation prior to turning to pharmaceutical options (as well as possible B-complex supplementation, Magnesium, and others listed above).

Tyrosine has wide effects beyond just mood and can affect stress hormones as well, so supplementation should be managed by a professional whom is trained in clinical nutrition.

I use L-Tyrosine capsules or L-Tyrosine powder by NOW as the most cost-effective sources of L-tyrosine supplementation.

So Does This Mean I Have to Take 10+ Supplements and Stop Taking My Birth Control?

The answer is that “it depends…”.

There are personal and clinical reasons to take oral contraceptives. And, there are personal and clinical reasons not to take them.

Data starting from the 1970s clearly shows that oral contraceptives induce the depletion of nutrients which are likely to contribute to several common side effects. There are a number of books, reports, research papers, and weekend seminars with their sole focus on exploring the influence of these depletions and their potential ramifications for women’s health. The data can be disturbing due to the widespread use of oral contraceptives as well as the general belief that they are generally benign drugs.

In order to make the benefit of taking oral contraceptives outweigh any possible risks, appropriate and personalized dietary supplements should be considered by clinicians. Otherwise, vitamin deficiency symptoms may be mistaken for additional disorders – creating an environment where polypharmacy is the norm – accelerating nutrient depletions further, while also opening the door for even further side effects and medication.

If you eat ample nuts, fruits, and vegetables, it is possible to support levels of these nutrients naturally. But medications can deplete the body of nutrients to a higher degree than what diet can balance – making supplementation the next best choice. A prenatal supplement may provide wide-reaching support and you can use that as the hub by which you spoke off additional supplementation.

When you choose medications, there is ultimately a cost-benefit analysis to consider.  Personalized supplementation through a professional trained in clinical nutrition can help ensure that you get the best from both conventional and natural therapy options. These supplements are generally recognized as safe and can be reasonably affordable – making them preferred candidates for safe, first-line options of clinical support when taking medications for other reasons.

A professional is important to ensure you are taking the right form and dosage of particular nutrients that match your situation – not because of a textbook read-out.

For more information on vitamins and minerals depleted by birth control, check out The Pill Problem by Ross Pelton, PhD or Drug Muggers by Suzy Cohen, RPh which include references as well.

What Prenatal Should I Take?

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